Course Fees

* All amounts are in Australian Dollars (AUD).
* For scholarships and concession inquiries, please contact us.  
‎* Prices may be subject to change each calendar year (approximately 3-5% varies). ‎
‎* Read the ‘Schedule of Additional Charges’ section in the ANIE International Student Handbook to know about the additional charges (including non-‎tuition ‎fees). ‎
‎* Students pay the course fee through a Payment Plan outlined in the ANIE Letter of Offer and Agreement.
‎* To take out an appropriate health cover, known as the Overseas Student Health Care (OSHC), is a requirement for ‎international student visa. Student ‎can purchase it individually or ANIE can purchase on their behalf upon ‎request.
RTO Code: 41160 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03682M | ABN: 54 603 488 526